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Hertfordshire Demographics

Source - 2011 Census

In the 2011 census the population of East Hertfordshire was 137,687 and is made up of approximately 51% females and 49% males.


The average age of people in East Hertfordshire is 40, while the median age is also 40.


2011 Census, Additional Detailed and Local Characteristics tables for England and Wales


Hertfordshire County Council - Population and census data


Census shows increase in population in the East of England

The population of the East of England on census day (27 March 2011) was more than 5.8 million, an increase of 8 per cent from 2001 when it was 5.4 million. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) published the first results from the 2011 Census today.


By comparison the population across the whole of England and Wales increased by 7 per cent to 56.1 million, the largest growth in population in any 10-year period since census taking began in 1801. 


Across England and Wales there has been a 13 per cent increase in the number of children under five, with over 400,000 more than in 2001. In the East of England there were 40,000 more under-fives compared to 2001, an increase of 12 per cent. Luton had the largest proportion in this age group with 8 per cent, with the smallest proportion in North Norfolk (4 per cent).


The total number of households in the East of England was 2.4 million. 


The Lifestyle offered at Stanstead Abbotts, combined with rapid public transport to the City of London ensures that the market for homes is significantly more than the requirements of an increasing local population.


It will be noted that there is a marked increase of new births in 2007-2011.


Urban Settlements within 12 miles of Project

Demand for New Homes

The Population Growth within the Region is but one pressure on the demand for Housing at this location.


The spiralling rise in London Property prices combined with shorter commuting to the City than many locations within Central London.


Central Government is applying considerable pressure on Local Planning Authorities to meet the demand for increased construction of homes.

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